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Our Virus and Malware Infection Removal and Cleanup service involves a comprehensive diagnostic process for your desktop or laptop operating system, system settings, software, and applications. Our experienced and knowledgeable technicians will meticulously inspect your system, looking for signs of viruses, malware, and other security threats. They will install and configure additional anti-virus and malware software to enhance your system’s protection if necessary.

Once the diagnostic phase is complete, we conduct a thorough and meticulous system scan to detect and isolate your system’s viruses, spyware, or malware. Detected intrusions are immediately quarantined and removed to ensure your system’s security and integrity.

If your system has been compromised, our technicians will also perform a system recovery to a known date, restoring your system to a previous state before the intrusion occurred. Additionally, we can assist with troubleshooting passwords and setting up two-step authentication to reinforce the security of your system and accounts. 

Services Included

Diagnosis and Configuration:

  • Diagnose OS system, user profiles, and installed software and apps.
  • Install and configure additional Anti-Virus and Malware software and apps

Security and Maintenance:

  • Perform a full system scan for viruses, spyware, and malware
  • Quarantine and remove detected intrusions
  • Perform system recovery to a known date
  • Troubleshoot Password and Two-Step Authentication setup

Important Notice: 

The service fee covers the services provided but does not include the cost of software licenses or account subscription costs.


While our Infection Removal and Cleanup service provides comprehensive measures to enhance your device’s security, it does not guarantee absolute protection against all cyber threats. It is essential to regularly update your security measures and remain vigilant when accessing online content or downloading files. Additionally, no security setup can be considered foolproof, and it is crucial to back up your data regularly to prevent data loss in the event of a security breach. We recommend combining our service with best practices for online safety to maximize the security of your devices and personal information.

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