Understanding Cloud Storage

Understanding cloud storage technology can seem daunting at first but with a bit of understanding and practice it may just be the storage solution you’re looking for. Travel with your data and files without the extra weight of external storage drives. Integrate with your Data Backup plan to assist with Data Recovery, or for Data Transfer between PCs and mobile devices.

Cloud Storage is a hybrid type of data storage technology that allows your data and files to exist online in a hosted website, and offline on the local storage drive of your computers and mobile devices. The greatest benefit for using cloud storage is the ability to access, add and delete, edit, and sync the same data and files across multiple computers and mobile devices (desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones).

Several software developers offer cloud technology as a free service and provide the software and apps to use with your PC and mobile devices. Some of the most popular apps available include Apple iCloud, Googles Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox. These apps are hosted by their respective developers who manage the service, availability, security, and features of the software and app. If you already have an email account registered with one of these software developers, a free tier of storage may already be included with your account.

Additional cloud storage space can also be purchased to accommodate more data and files as it grows. Your service provider and host will offer different tiers of pricing that include increased storage space and additional features. Keep in mind that increasing the size of your cloud storage does not increase the physical storage size of your PCs or mobile devices. You can continue to access your account, add, and delete, edit, and sync your data and files, but there may be a limit to how much you can store on your PCs and mobile devices if the size of your storage cloud solution is larger than the physical size available.

Cloud storage can also be used with your Data Backup plan, Data Recovery, and Data Transfer. If you don’t already have an external storage drive to use as your main source for backups, your Cloud storage solution can be used instead. As an additional solution, both your external storage drive and cloud storage solution can be combined, if the main source for backups fails (external storage drive), the second source takes over (cloud Storage). Having a cloud storage solution in your Data Backup plan can also assist with Data Recovery by restoring data and files stored in your cloud storage solution. This can prove useful in situations where you only need to download what you need to take with you on your mobile devices and delete later. With Cloud Storage, you can also perform Data Transfer between your computers and mobile devices by maintaining a specific folder in your cloud storage to easy move things between PCs and mobile devices.

Don’t know where to start with Cloud Storage solutions?

Whether you’re a regular home user looking to manage personal documents and photos, or a business organizing data and files to share with company staff and employees, a Tezkabyte IT Specialist can assist you with choosing the Cloud Storage solution that fits you best.

Pros and Cons of Cloud Storage

There are pros and cons to consider when using cloud storage to manage your personal data and files. Some reasons may out weight others, while others may not matter to certain users.

Good Reasons to Use Cloud Storage (Pros)

Owning your own cloud technology hardware and software is an expensive venture that is often reserved for businesses with increased requirements for access control, and security.

Cloud storage hosts offer a free tier of storage the apps and services for your PCs and mobile devices. This free tier may be included with your email account and includes lude between 5GB – 15GB of storage space which is a great start for users who don’t own an external storage drive for their data and files or prefer to travel without one.

As your data and files grow, occupying space in your PC or mobile devices, additional storage space can be purchased to either transfer them over, or backup to. You can then delete the information on your devices to clear up space, knowing that there is a copy in your cloud storage space.  

There are different layers of security included with Cloud Storage solutions such as PIN code, two-step authentication, and end-to-end encryption. Implementing these security features can increase the privacy of your account, data, and files.

Negative Reasons to Use Cloud Storage (Cons)

It’s important to remember that when you use Cloud Storage software hosted by someone else, you’re also uploading your information onto someone else’s hardware. This may not be the best option for data and files that contain personal and sensitive information that you do not want exposed or revealed.

Most free tiers offer cloud storage space between 5GB – 15GB. This may not be enough space if you keep large amounts of photos or videos. You can increase the size of your storage space with a paid plan but will also be met with reoccurring fees that may not be worth it for some users.

If you prefer to keep all your data and files on your PCs, mobile devices, and in your cloud storage, keep in mind that buying additional cloud storage space does not increase the physical storage size of your physical hardware. A hardware upgrade of your PCs and mobile devices is needed to increase the physical storage size.

Some users may prefer not to use the additional layers of security. These users run the greatest risk of exposure and should not rely on cloud storage space for sensitive information. Password only authentication is not enough today, we recommend implementing as many of the security features available to safeguard yourself and your information.

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