Starting at

Our Cloud Storage support services help you manage your data and files across multiple devices by setting up and configuring popular cloud storage apps such as Apple iCloud, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox. Our on-site technician will install the cloud storage solution on your PCs, tablets, and smartphones and ensure your personal account and app settings are properly synced.

The Tezkabyte technician will also provide a hands-on demonstration to guide you on accessing, editing, and managing your account, data, and files. Whether at home or on the go, our service aims to help you seamlessly transition to cloud storage, allowing you to do away with extra hardware. However, we also emphasize the importance of understanding the pros and cons of cloud storage before entrusting these apps with sensitive information.

Services included

  • Setup and configure popular cloud storage apps such as Apple iCloud, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox
  • Install the cloud storage solution on your PCs, tablets, and smartphones
  • Ensure personal account and app settings are properly synced
  • Hands-on demonstration for accessing, editing, and managing your account, data, and files
  • Emphasize the importance of understanding the pros and cons of cloud storage before entrusting sensitive information

Important Notice: The service fee does not cover the cost of software licenses, additional hardware, or parts. It also does not include computer, software, or hardware troubleshooting and support. Additionally, data recovery from damaged drives is not included in the service.